
Boss won’t do anything about terrible coworker

Mods feel free to take this down if it’s not allowed. I’ve been at this job for 4 months, and for pretty much the whole time a coworker who has been there for barely longer than I have has been absolutely loathsome to me. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I’ve had to have a lot of jobs, and she uses this as an excuse to treat me horribly because “if she doesn’t like it she can just quit”. She’s condescending, rude, and immature. She treats me like I’m stupid and everything I do is done wrong in her opinion. I’ve even gone so far as to ask my boss if I’m doing something wrong because of how she treats me, and gotten confirmation from my boss that there haven’t been any complaints/I’m not doing anything wrong. Every time I try to do something, whether it’s stock shelves or check…

Mods feel free to take this down if it’s not allowed.

I’ve been at this job for 4 months, and for pretty much the whole time a coworker who has been there for barely longer than I have has been absolutely loathsome to me. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I’ve had to have a lot of jobs, and she uses this as an excuse to treat me horribly because “if she doesn’t like it she can just quit”.

She’s condescending, rude, and immature. She treats me like I’m stupid and everything I do is done wrong in her opinion. I’ve even gone so far as to ask my boss if I’m doing something wrong because of how she treats me, and gotten confirmation from my boss that there haven’t been any complaints/I’m not doing anything wrong.

Every time I try to do something, whether it’s stock shelves or check on orders for a customer, she always has to go behind me and redo things I’ve done, or interrupt me and contradict me to the customer. She’s rude to customers too.

I’ve had a conversation with my boss about the lack of respect and fairness in the workplace, and she informed me that this isn’t the first time someone’s complained about this coworker. However, it’s been two weeks and nothing has changed. I’m not sure if maybe a conversation between the two of them did happen and she’s choosing to make my life hell, or if she doesn’t know anything about it.

What is left for me to do?

Before you comment, I work at a small business, we don’t have an HR department. It’s family owned, so I can either go to the owner, or his daughter. I can’t make anonymous complaints.

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