
Boss won’t let me leave

I’m delivering at a local pizzeria today. Got here and noticed that my brakes are hot, they smell and are smoking. I don’t feel safe & can’t do 7 more hours of this. My boss says I can’t leave or I’m fired. I told him to get coverage but he won’t. This is a one shift a week part time job that I won’t feel sad losing. Pretty sure I’m just going to walk out, but needed to vent about it. What would you all do?

I’m delivering at a local pizzeria today.
Got here and noticed that my brakes are hot, they smell and are smoking. I don’t feel safe & can’t do 7 more hours of this.
My boss says I can’t leave or I’m fired.
I told him to get coverage but he won’t. This is a one shift a week part time job that I won’t feel sad losing. Pretty sure I’m just going to walk out, but needed to vent about it. What would you all do?

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