
Boss won’t let me work until I sign paperwork

My official start time is at 8am but the boss wants us there at 7:45, I don't start getting paid until 8 so that already feels a bit like wage theft. Over the last year or so I've been coming in around 7:50 consistently, and I've had to call in sick a few times due to either being sick or having to deal with personal matters, one of those days being last Friday. Well when I got into work today my boss's wife said I can't work until I go over some paperwork with my boss going over the days I've been “late” or missed. My boss wasn't there at the time so I went straight home. So now I'm nervous they're going to use that paperwork as a reason to fire me or some other thing if I sign it, and I'd really like so advice from people here…

My official start time is at 8am but the boss wants us there at 7:45, I don't start getting paid until 8 so that already feels a bit like wage theft. Over the last year or so I've been coming in around 7:50 consistently, and I've had to call in sick a few times due to either being sick or having to deal with personal matters, one of those days being last Friday.

Well when I got into work today my boss's wife said I can't work until I go over some paperwork with my boss going over the days I've been “late” or missed. My boss wasn't there at the time so I went straight home.

So now I'm nervous they're going to use that paperwork as a reason to fire me or some other thing if I sign it, and I'd really like so advice from people here that might have experience with this kind of thing.

So for background I work as an electrician for a small company out of Virginia, so small one other coworker and myself make up half of it.

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