
Boss wrote me up for “not being motivated” because I “only brought up 2 spatulas”

I work at a restaurant in the back. (Dishes and all that crap) My boss pulled me aside today to write me up for not being efficient enough for her, with the whole spatula thing being her primary reason. They said that I had been fucking up for months, but only decided to chew me out- I mean, talk to me recently. They don’t actually let you know when you mess up so you can correct it. They only watch you constantly break the rules till they can fire you. One of the main problems that they were mad at(aside from the spatula debacle) is that one manager keeps “helping” other people in the building. By which I mean that she waits till that person is doing something else in another part of the building, then she starts doing their job for them, which she then uses as “evidence” of…

I work at a restaurant in the back. (Dishes and all that crap)
My boss pulled me aside today to write me up for not being efficient enough for her, with the whole spatula thing being her primary reason. They said that I had been fucking up for months, but only decided to chew me out- I mean, talk to me recently. They don’t actually let you know when you mess up so you can correct it. They only watch you constantly break the rules till they can fire you. One of the main problems that they were mad at(aside from the spatula debacle) is that one manager keeps “helping” other people in the building. By which I mean that she waits till that person is doing something else in another part of the building, then she starts doing their job for them, which she then uses as “evidence” of their incompetence.
I keep hearing the managers berating all the workers about “not being motivated “ while tearing into the best workers for actually enjoying the job. It’s miserable and everyone HATES the 2 main managers.
I see the purge that’s about to start so I’m currently polishing my résumé while I’m still employed. But fuck em. Never eat at Panera Bread if you can help it.

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