
Bosses didn’t do their job so it’s MY fault

Today was infuriating and the worst part is that I can do nothing about it. I filled out a form with another employee to cover my shift that was today. I did this 3 weeks ago and placed the form with others like it, as I had been instructed. All seemed well and good. I had done this several times before with little to no problems. Today 3 hours after what would have been the start of my shift I received a call from a manager at my work. I didn't pick up. Basically they were concerned because they hadn't seen me in a few days, yada yada yada. I call back to confirm everything was fine, I just had a shift covered (from weeks ago) and that person must have missed the shift or forgotten. They said they understood, but my shift supervisor had been concerned. After I hung…

Today was infuriating and the worst part is that I can do nothing about it.

I filled out a form with another employee to cover my shift that was today. I did this 3 weeks ago and placed the form with others like it, as I had been instructed. All seemed well and good. I had done this several times before with little to no problems.

Today 3 hours after what would have been the start of my shift I received a call from a manager at my work. I didn't pick up. Basically they were concerned because they hadn't seen me in a few days, yada yada yada. I call back to confirm everything was fine, I just had a shift covered (from weeks ago) and that person must have missed the shift or forgotten. They said they understood, but my shift supervisor had been concerned.

After I hung up I check Facebook messenger for the first time that day and saw a message from my shift supervisor, wondering where I was. I messaged back explaining the error that had occurred and thought that was the end of it. Nope. I received another long drawn out message saying that she found the form but it must have gotten lost in paperwork so they didn't know until now. It then became my fault that the person (who was supposed to be there) had to be called in an hour later than expected. It was also my fault that I didn't notify my boss and my boss's boss about the form being filled out so they knew. This has never been required before.

So essentially everything is my fault and I should have made sure 3 weeks ago that everyone knew this one shift was covered. We even have an app with our schedule that does not get updated when you take or give away a shift so you just have to remember yourself somehow.

Just had to share because now I just want to quit and run away into the wilderness and never see another person again.

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