
Bosses who say they treat you like family are the biggest red flag.

My father in law has been working for this pond company for some time. Though he isn't their employee because he is working there through a job agency, he has been there for years now. To the point that his peers love him and have given him a nickname. He went from the warehouse to construction crew, in which he doesn't get paid the same or is allowed to get any bonuses for Christmas at the end of year. He has been there for two years and he seen how they treat him and his peers extremely poorly. He loves the job and seeing the finished construction project and they completely abused it. They have him in their youtube channel working and even got facebook post about him saying how great he has been doing. However, they are abusive and he spoke about their racist behavior, over working, and simply…

My father in law has been working for this pond company for some time. Though he isn't their employee because he is working there through a job agency, he has been there for years now. To the point that his peers love him and have given him a nickname. He went from the warehouse to construction crew, in which he doesn't get paid the same or is allowed to get any bonuses for Christmas at the end of year. He has been there for two years and he seen how they treat him and his peers extremely poorly. He loves the job and seeing the finished construction project and they completely abused it. They have him in their youtube channel working and even got facebook post about him saying how great he has been doing. However, they are abusive and he spoke about their racist behavior, over working, and simply lack of care for their workers. They responded by cutting his hours by almost half and now after years of abusing him they sent him back to the warehouse. The audacity to say that they don't think that this kind of negativity should be in their workplace and they feel like he is trying to get the workers against them. Even after those 2 years of them telling him how great he was and telling new hires they can learn a thing or two from him. Bosses aren't your friends and they are for sure not family. I am here more to vent because when he told me this it rubbed me the completely wrong way. I wish I could do something about it.

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