
Boss’s family has Covid but he continues to show up to work. I’m now sick as a dog and worried I might have Covid now

Basically what the title says. I'm writing this as I'm waiting to be seen by a doctor in urgent care. My boss's family and household has been infested with Covid. He doesn't have Covid himself and is wearing a mask while on the clock, but he isn't keeping his distance from people. Last week, he went around having meetings and whatever else, with some meetings where he wasn't wearing his mask. Saturday morning, I woke up with congestion, a tight chest, and a sore throat. Classic Covid symptoms, but I brushed it off thinking it was allergies. But, the next day, my symptoms got worse, and I took an at home test. It came back negative, but I'm always a little wary of the at home tests because they might be inaccurate. I feel like absolute shit and I'm scared because I have a lung condition, and something like Covid…

Basically what the title says. I'm writing this as I'm waiting to be seen by a doctor in urgent care. My boss's family and household has been infested with Covid. He doesn't have Covid himself and is wearing a mask while on the clock, but he isn't keeping his distance from people. Last week, he went around having meetings and whatever else, with some meetings where he wasn't wearing his mask. Saturday morning, I woke up with congestion, a tight chest, and a sore throat. Classic Covid symptoms, but I brushed it off thinking it was allergies. But, the next day, my symptoms got worse, and I took an at home test. It came back negative, but I'm always a little wary of the at home tests because they might be inaccurate. I feel like absolute shit and I'm scared because I have a lung condition, and something like Covid can either hospitalize me or kill me if I don't get medical attention. I want to tell my boss about this whenever I see him again, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I just don't want to catch Covid again or for real next time, because next time I might not get so lucky. Is there anything I can do legally about this since I don't feel safe around him in the workplace?

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