
british delivery company

As some of you may know a delivery company started a scheme over a year ago that they would let you use a bike and pay you by the hour. As a part time student this fit me perfectly. I would submit my availability a week In advance and get my full contracted hours within my submitted availability. After a while they begain decreasing hours bit by bit telling you that ” you have not submitted availability within our peak hours” ( I always submitted all Saturday and all Sunday)they constantly gave me at least 10 hours under my contracted hours. Only gave my 4 hours in the morning or 4 hours in the evening ect. Since I was depending on them to you know. Survive. I had to find other work but have kept myself on the books with them to make abit of extra cash. making up for…

As some of you may know a delivery company started a scheme over a year ago that they would let you use a bike and pay you by the hour. As a part time student this fit me perfectly. I would submit my availability a week In advance and get my full contracted hours within my submitted availability.

After a while they begain decreasing hours bit by bit telling you that ” you have not submitted availability within our peak hours” ( I always submitted all Saturday and all Sunday)they constantly gave me at least 10 hours under my contracted hours. Only gave my 4 hours in the morning or 4 hours in the evening ect.

Since I was depending on them to you know. Survive. I had to find other work but have kept myself on the books with them to make abit of extra cash. making up for the money I lost waiting for them to “get through this tricky spell”. Now I work in hospitality as some of you may know in hospitality you rarely get a weekend off and hardly ever get the rota a week before. ( most of the time it's the Sunday night for work on the Monday).

Now they have this unnamed orange delivery company has threatened to “terminate my contract” because I'm not giving peak hours availability.
Do they really expect me to just roll over for them.

Yet another company being greedy and screwing over its employees in the process.

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