
British workplaces are confusing and passive aggressive

I was born here, but working in this country can be so frustrating. There are good things about British workplace culture but the one thing that gets my goat… The middle-class passive aggressiveness and the uncomfortableness whenever I express some degree of sincerity and emotion… The stiff upper lip. I'm wondering if anyone else here has ever worked in the UK and can compare it to working in other countries? I'm at the point where I just cannot be bothered anymore with the passive aggressiveness of UK offices. It's so difficult to resolve conflict because it's so rude to be straight to the point, even when you aren't expressing this to them in a harsh way. Everything is so much more insidious here. When I work with colleagues from the US, mainland Europe, Africa and Asia at least I have an idea where I stand. Everything is wrapped in small…

I was born here, but working in this country can be so frustrating. There are good things about British workplace culture but the one thing that gets my goat… The middle-class passive aggressiveness and the uncomfortableness whenever I express some degree of sincerity and emotion… The stiff upper lip.

I'm wondering if anyone else here has ever worked in the UK and can compare it to working in other countries? I'm at the point where I just cannot be bothered anymore with the passive aggressiveness of UK offices.

It's so difficult to resolve conflict because it's so rude to be straight to the point, even when you aren't expressing this to them in a harsh way. Everything is so much more insidious here.

When I work with colleagues from the US, mainland Europe, Africa and Asia at least I have an idea where I stand.

Everything is wrapped in small talk, fake nice and it's annoying.

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