
Brother fired from same company I work for.

My brother was let go today for bogus reasons and he seemed pretty chill about because it was causing him tremendous stress but a co worker was going around to people early in the week saying he was going to get fired and when he went to his boss she said he has nothing to worry about but screamed and yelled at him for gossiping. He questioned why he was being let go and she stated numerous reasons, reasons which my brother proved her wrong for and she said she would have to double check. Hmmm how can you fire someone when you have doubt in your mind? He addressed some grievances with HR, who was sitting in on the termination and she smartly said take it up with the labor board. What a smart ass. He later found out that a new hire was being fed shit talk about…

My brother was let go today for bogus reasons and he seemed pretty chill about because it was causing him tremendous stress but a co worker was going around to people early in the week saying he was going to get fired and when he went to his boss she said he has nothing to worry about but screamed and yelled at him for gossiping. He questioned why he was being let go and she stated numerous reasons, reasons which my brother proved her wrong for and she said she would have to double check. Hmmm how can you fire someone when you have doubt in your mind? He addressed some grievances with HR, who was sitting in on the termination and she smartly said take it up with the labor board. What a smart ass.

He later found out that a new hire was being fed shit talk about him during her INTERVIEW. her fucking interview.

Please give me reasons to not walk out of this cesspool.

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