
Brother was hired then rejected post interview. Advice needed!

Posted this in r/jobs as well. Recently I've been working as a barista at a smoothie place and all has been going really well. I currently live with my brother and we've been making ends meet with both our paychecks. Lately things have been really bad at his workplace however, as the managers were all friends with each other and discriminatory towards employees of different races / sexual orientations. So I recommended to him that he work at the same place as me whenever an open slot was available. As luck would have it, a slot opened up. He interviewed for the position and they said they loved him and would really like to have him join the team within the next week. So we were both really excited as we only have one car and this would really help us out with the commute to our works. He resigned…

Posted this in r/jobs as well.

Recently I've been working as a barista at a smoothie place and all has been going really well. I currently live with my brother and we've been making ends meet with both our paychecks. Lately things have been really bad at his workplace however, as the managers were all friends with each other and discriminatory towards employees of different races / sexual orientations. So I recommended to him that he work at the same place as me whenever an open slot was available.

As luck would have it, a slot opened up. He interviewed for the position and they said they loved him and would really like to have him join the team within the next week. So we were both really excited as we only have one car and this would really help us out with the commute to our works. He resigned from his job expecting to be able to start around now.

However last second they told him that they talked to the franchise owner and felt that it wasn't wise to hire siblings. I personally feel that this is major BS as they have recently hired two siblings, and the two managers are exes who've hired their friends as well. The entire workplace is muddied by personal relationships so I don't see why my brother would be an issue. If anything, this is a clearly BS excuse to turn down the job offer last second, however the only evidence of him being hired is through text.

Important Context: I also recently got a warning at the job for my “performance”, and they told me if things didn't change they'd have to let me go. I have a disability and made it clear that while I may be slower at getting up to speed with the other workers I will definitely be doing my best, and just need some more patience regarding my situation. I asked them to tell me what specifically I was doing wrong so I could work on it and they spouted some nonsense about how I was “rude” to customers and the other manager, and vaguely mentioned other coworkers have complained I'm not getting tasks done. I continued to push on the subject for specific details on what I need to work on and they gave me back attitude telling me it should be “common sense” and that they didn't need to assist me with the little details to understand what I had to work on. Personally I feel that it's a manager's duty to be able to tell their employee what they need to improve on. But I didn't press, I simply told them I was making it as a request for an accommodation for my disability, as I was protected under the ADA, and that I would take legal action against them if I was wrongfully terminated or not given the simple accommodation of specific feedback on my performance (seems ridiculous I had to do this). They quieted down after this and said they would accommodate for me but a day later told my brother they weren't hiring him. In my opinion this situation is linked to why my brother wasn't offered the position and the overall situation seems extremely stupid.

I want to know what actions I can potentially take to deal with this situation. It really bothers me because this workplace used to be extremely drama free yet now this has come out of nowhere. Should I contact the franchise owner and ask directly why my brother was turned down? Should I confront my managers about their clearly BS reasons for turning my brother down? Should I somehow make a complaint against both of my managers? I genuinely am not sure what I should do, and I understand it'd be more hassle than not to fight against this. The easiest option would be to just ignore it and move on but I really would just like to know what I can do to remedy the situation in any way. Thank you.

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