
Bullied by Chili’s/Brinker because I was pregnant.

I was hired as a server at Chili's in Santa Fe, NM sometime in 2020 after our first shut down was lifted. I had been hired with GM (and still current GM) knowing full well I had 2 other jobs and the server position I was applying for would be my 3rd with no intention to quit the other 2. I managed for a private licensing company and was a basic worker at McDonald's- adding Chili's server. Within 2ish weeks or so into my training Santa Fe had another shut down. I continued to work my 2 other jobs until there was issues at one of the local McDonald's. (Another story for another time) When the 2nd shutdown had lifted after about 2and a half months, all the servers and I had gone back to work. Some context- in New Mexico an employer has the right to fire you within…

I was hired as a server at Chili's in Santa Fe, NM sometime in 2020 after our first shut down was lifted. I had been hired with GM (and still current GM) knowing full well I had 2 other jobs and the server position I was applying for would be my 3rd with no intention to quit the other 2. I managed for a private licensing company and was a basic worker at McDonald's- adding Chili's server.

Within 2ish weeks or so into my training Santa Fe had another shut down. I continued to work my 2 other jobs until there was issues at one of the local McDonald's. (Another story for another time) When the 2nd shutdown had lifted after about 2and a half months, all the servers and I had gone back to work.

Some context- in New Mexico an employer has the right to fire you within 90 days of your hire for pretty much anything without reason. When I went back to work as a server my management had thought I finished my training and gave me a full section to work on. She would get irritated at me when I would ask questions. I'd personally rather annoy you getting the job right then getting the job done wrong.

I relied on a lot of guidance from the other servers to get my job done and they were great help. A few weeks had gone by and I wasn't feeling very good at my management job. A coworker had joked about me being pregnant so I had taken a test later that day. It was positive. I took a few days to confirm with the Dr and was farther along then we had thought.

I was already in the middle of my 2rd trimester with my first pregnancy and was having a hard time keeping down food or being around food. I consulted a server who had been pregnant at this location a year or so before and she had told me what to do. I spoke with both my management teams and expressed the deadline to make sure paperwork was in order.

CHILIS WAS MAD- The day I advised my management was the day the attitude in the workplace changed. I had spoken with my midwife about my issues holding down food and she had told me to carry a variety of snacks eat through the day since I had been losing weight.

I was suddenly the only employee to not be able to eat on property. I had received a Dr.s note and was told I couldn't sit and eat- but everyone else could when we had a moment to ourselves. I had been approached by another manager, he explained how he thinks I would be happier at another job especially “one that could accommodate for a child”. I told him work is work and talking to me about finding another job because I'm pregnant or will have kids is illegal.

The general manager had taken it upon herself to follow me into the restroom and while I was doing my business – give me orders through the bathroom stall. I had been in there for less then 5min. When she followed me out she told me I had restricted bathroom breaks for taking too long too often.

I really started hating the job when I slipped and fell flat on my back and management didn't care. The cooks and servers had complained to the management about the hazards of the workplace being flooded with oil and water- they placed a small rug for me to stand on where I slipped. The second time I was stabbed by a hook through the shoulder- I slipped on that rug they had placed in the kitchen.

I had received a call from Brinker HR- another staff member had complained of the abuse at the location. I agreed and told them of several more instances on top of this one where management had been harassing me and other members of staff.

I noticed a few days later management had stopped speaking to me all together. Whenever the GM had something she wanted to say to me she looked at another server and talk and say what she wanted me to do in a smart-ass tone.
Eventually came a time where I wasn't allowed to lift a certain amount, my new balance had made me a bit more of a hazard but with some help I was able to pull my weight and others in return.

Management had started targeting and talking to staff about me. Managers would purposefully place me with larger group tables knowing I needed the help and then would make the servers feel bad and overworked for helping. Eventually the servers made it very clear I was on my own and on their shit list. I finally broke after the server who gave me advice on my pregnancy started sending bullying text messages on how useless I was because I didn't fill 1 salt shaker. I quit that night. I could risk my mental health and baby's health.

This place makes me so mad. Even after I had my baby and had come back as a guest, the general manager likes to throw dirty looks and make comments to her new servers about how terrible of an employee I was.

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