
BULLIED out of a Job…

Okay first off I wanted to ask does your boss get drunk at work?Mine did.Okay It started out as a great job at dollar tree in BiG Stone Gap…VA..I started as a cashier have been in retail a long time.My Store manager not his real name KRIST Boyed. Began by calling me names things like thick headed ,slow,SPECIAL ED .By the way I moved up super fast within months due to my retail knowledge but the bullying never stopped .He yelled at me when other people made mistakes .I had no training for the position was told to lie to the GM who knew about the abuse and asked me if I felt respected at the time my car was in the shop I owed alot of money to get it fixed so I said yes because I kinda felt bad for the guy .I watched him abuse other managers…

Okay first off I wanted to ask does your boss get drunk at work?Mine did.Okay It started out as a great job at dollar tree in BiG Stone Gap…VA..I started as a cashier have been in retail a long time.My Store manager not his real name KRIST Boyed.
Began by calling me names things like thick headed ,slow,SPECIAL ED .By the way I moved up super fast within months due to my retail knowledge but the bullying never stopped .He yelled at me when other people made mistakes .I had no training for the position was told to lie to the GM who knew about the abuse and asked me if I felt respected at the time my car was in the shop I owed alot of money to get it fixed so I said yes because I kinda felt bad for the guy .I watched him abuse other managers who ended up leaving.Both for the same thing He had people write statements lying to cover himself promising higher positions and hrs had me cut hours when at 40 had me take2hr lunches to not go over 40 .Never trained me on office procedures conference call or incoming freight check ins.Had an 18 year old manager in the store with no numbers to registers for returns or exchanges.Customers kept making complaints that he smelled of liquor on a daily basis.But the worst was the bullying the names.I think he may have been bullied in school so I just dealt with it.The last straw was when I covered for him for a month so he could get have to off.Btw I never missed a day of work I have every text message and he was not very smart by those text messages because they are also really bad.
What would You Do.

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