
Burned out… 2 jobs 60 hour weeks failing health and finances. Something needs to change.

I think I’m here to vent for a minute. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and/or comment. I hit a point this past weekend where I just realized I don’t think I can do what I’ve been doing anymore. I work 6 days a week at my primary job and then 1 full time day plus some evenings at a 2nd job to try and get finances under control. I try to sell my plasma to help with bills when I can but my health keeps me ineligible more often than not nowadays so I’ve all but given up on that as extra income. I can’t stand being in a customer facing position any longer. I want to work from home so that I don’t have to deal with the stress of gas prices and vehicle failure driving my costs up even more. I’m thinking of getting…

I think I’m here to vent for a minute. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and/or comment. I hit a point this past weekend where I just realized I don’t think I can do what I’ve been doing anymore. I work 6 days a week at my primary job and then 1 full time day plus some evenings at a 2nd job to try and get finances under control. I try to sell my plasma to help with bills when I can but my health keeps me ineligible more often than not nowadays so I’ve all but given up on that as extra income.

I can’t stand being in a customer facing position any longer. I want to work from home so that I don’t have to deal with the stress of gas prices and vehicle failure driving my costs up even more. I’m thinking of getting out of my current customer service roles and diving into tech but I’m naive and I know it. I know there are certificates I can get online but don’t know what ones to trust or pursue for best results.

If I’m being truly honest with myself I would only go that route for the higher income I desperately need. I really wish I could switch entirely to creative pursuits.. write novels and develop skills in both art and music. As things are I have no space left in my head for anything like that to fit currently.

I’m overwhelmed with the feeling that I’ve wasted my life. I’m trapped doing stuff that is draining me and I’ll never get to have the mental energy to shift to the stuff I would rather do.

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