
Burned out healthcare provider here hoping someone has advice on an unusual problem with work that I’m afraid will make it harder to escape this soul crushing job.

Without my permission or knowledge , my employer (huge hospital system) recently set up a Google Business account using my name and professional credentials as the business name and they won’t give me access to it. In other words, they won’t allow my access to my own professional name. Unfortunately, since it is such a new account, the only review currently is a misleading review from a patient that I never even saw. The pt gave me one star and the review said he was unhappy because his appt had been cancelled. The appt ended up being cancelled because I was sick and had to take the day off. He refused to be rescheduled and so the patient who left the review never even saw me. I requested access to the Google Business account so I could address the negative review attached to my name and was denied. Now when…

Without my permission or knowledge , my employer (huge hospital system) recently set up a Google Business account using my name and professional credentials as the business name and they won’t give me access to it. In other words, they won’t allow my access to my own professional name.

Unfortunately, since it is such a new account, the only review currently is a misleading review from a patient that I never even saw. The pt gave me one star and the review said he was unhappy because his appt had been cancelled. The appt ended up being cancelled because I was sick and had to take the day off. He refused to be rescheduled and so the patient who left the review never even saw me.

I requested access to the Google Business account so I could address the negative review attached to my name and was denied. Now when you search my name and credentials, this one star review is the only thing you see and it is not ideal for my reputation.

To make it even more frustrating, I am currently trying to plan my exit strategy from this job (and from the soul sucking corporate healthcare system which forces healthcare providers to cut corners and decrease quality of care to stay caught up with the unrealistic patient volumes and productivity requirements) and I am wanting to go into independent practice, which is going to make it even more important that I have access to my own professional name.

I really appreciate any one who reads this and/or can offer help.

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