
Burnt out from working 4 jobs

This is mostly a frustrated/venting post. I work one fulltime job Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm that pays $13/hr. My second job is that I teach music lessons for about 4 hours after I get off work which makes me roughly $30/hr. The third job is singing with a church that pays me $50/hr. The 4th job is one overnight on Wednesday every week that makes me $13/hr. So all in all I work about 60 hours per week if I don't take anything extra on, and get one day off – Saturday. Well we all know what working 60 hours a week consistently does to a person's health and mental health. So there will be times about every two months where I will call in to my fulltime job just to get some space to breathe, usually when bridges are looking mighty fine to jump from. Everyone else at this office takes…

This is mostly a frustrated/venting post. I work one fulltime job Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm that pays $13/hr. My second job is that I teach music lessons for about 4 hours after I get off work which makes me roughly $30/hr. The third job is singing with a church that pays me $50/hr. The 4th job is one overnight on Wednesday every week that makes me $13/hr. So all in all I work about 60 hours per week if I don't take anything extra on, and get one day off – Saturday. Well we all know what working 60 hours a week consistently does to a person's health and mental health. So there will be times about every two months where I will call in to my fulltime job just to get some space to breathe, usually when bridges are looking mighty fine to jump from. Everyone else at this office takes the same amount of sick days – that's about 6 sick days per year. Well I was told that “the call ins” are getting out of hand. I'm sorry, what? This was from someone who knows how much I work, and is always gone I would say even more than I am. Also, it's a very “laid back” environment where we can show up at any time in the morning – but because I answer the phone I have to be here at 8:30am when the office opens. Well once or twice I've been like 5-10 minutes late for one reason or another, and have been reprimanded for that. They've agreed to give me a raise “If I can show up by 8:30am consistently by January”. I hate being treated like a child, and I'm so burnt out on freaking corporate jobs and the way offices work. I get about 3 times more work done than anyone in this office at any given time, but I'm always in trouble. How am I supposed to prioritize a job that pays me so little when my part time jobs pay so much more? I would just quit this one, but the other jobs are only part time jobs and don't offer any more hours. Why do we as Americans have to work ourselves to death every day just to put food on the table? I'm waiting until hiring seasons for the 23/24 school year, so that I can teach again fulltime. Until then, any suggestions? I live in rural Iowa so there's not much going on here….

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