
Bus 101 Exam Question

idk if this is allowed here but imma go ahead anyways cuz it’s somewhat fitting. So im a Graphic Design major and im forced to take a business elective so i picked 101, anyways i was just talking with my friends about their classes and dumb concepts that we had to basically agree to just to get the question right and i remembered in my first exam of the course there was a question along the lines of “Why do people work?” and all of the answers were kinda weird like “to accumulate wealth” “help the economy” “get experience” ect and out of all of them i kinda just guessed and put accumulaye wealth cuz fuck if i know, and the right answer was to “help the economy “ … when i got my test back i remember laughing uncontrollably cuz what the actual fuck i couldnt even believe it.…

idk if this is allowed here but imma go ahead anyways cuz it’s somewhat fitting. So im a Graphic Design major and im forced to take a business elective so i picked 101, anyways i was just talking with my friends about their classes and dumb concepts that we had to basically agree to just to get the question right and i remembered in my first exam of the course there was a question along the lines of
“Why do people work?” and all of the answers were kinda weird like “to accumulate wealth” “help the economy” “get experience” ect and out of all of them i kinda just guessed and put accumulaye wealth cuz fuck if i know, and the right answer was to “help the economy “ … when i got my test back i remember laughing uncontrollably cuz what the actual fuck i couldnt even believe it. Capitalism is so fucked up.

edit: also remembered when we had an assignment on why we should treat employees good and i “sarcastically”wrote sum along the lines of “so we dont get cancelled” (but in paragraph form) to see his viewpoint and this mf said that was an excellent point like bro what?!?!?? maybe treat them good cuz it’s the RIGHT thing to do?!

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