
Busiest Day of the School year and pay me only half a day’s wage?

I had a IT Tech support Job for Students, a temp job for Allendale High School in Michigan 11 years ago. Filling in for a National Guard reservist that was called up for duty. Every child in the high school was issued a laptop. First day of work was the day after Spring Break, 5 broken laptop screens that day! Lol, kids! My supervisor was a of privileged, arrogant Promise Keeper that towards the end of the year would criticize students that had racked up large IT repair bills. The only recourse the school had to get parents to pay for the laptop repairs was to refuse the the child from walking at graduation and/or keeping school transcripts. The phrase “That 'child' is not going to college, so we'll not see that money” was said more than once. Anyway it getting closer to end of the school year and the…

I had a IT Tech support Job for Students, a temp job for Allendale High School in Michigan 11 years ago. Filling in for a National Guard reservist that was called up for duty. Every child in the high school was issued a laptop. First day of work was the day after Spring Break, 5 broken laptop screens that day! Lol, kids!

My supervisor was a of privileged, arrogant Promise Keeper that towards the end of the year would criticize students that had racked up large IT repair bills. The only recourse the school had to get parents to pay for the laptop repairs was to refuse the the child from walking at graduation and/or keeping school transcripts. The phrase “That 'child' is not going to college, so we'll not see that money” was said more than once.

Anyway it getting closer to end of the school year and the High School IT manager is describing the chaos that laptop return day will be and how busy that I'll be and don't worry, it will be over soon and I'll only have to pay you half a day. I said “That's good and all, but I'll not be doing that. If you want me to work, it will be the entire day or nothing at all.”

He couldn't even talk to me about it. Just signed my last time sheet and walked away.

2 weeks later I started my current job that I've been with for the last 11 years.

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