
Business leaders said something today that was the last straw for me.

Our dept works it’s ass off on a daily basis. Often times working overtime to bail out of their depts who screwed up or to fulfill last minute requests and needs from leadership itself. We never hear gratitude from any of that but the second we do something they don’t like they are super quick to remind us who is in charge. They made a comment today that basically finalized my decision to start looking elsewhere. After making a comment about something we did not living up to their expectations one person in leadership said “I’ve seen the payroll budget for marketing, just saying.” Too far. If they’re ok with saying that to our face, what do they say behind our backs?! Time to move on, I’m worth more than that.

Our dept works it’s ass off on a daily basis. Often times working overtime to bail out of their depts who screwed up or to fulfill last minute requests and needs from leadership itself. We never hear gratitude from any of that but the second we do something they don’t like they are super quick to remind us who is in charge.

They made a comment today that basically finalized my decision to start looking elsewhere. After making a comment about something we did not living up to their expectations one person in leadership said “I’ve seen the payroll budget for marketing, just saying.”

Too far. If they’re ok with saying that to our face, what do they say behind our backs?! Time to move on, I’m worth more than that.

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