
Business owners need a realistic expectation of ROI.

The average ROI for investment in a diversified stock portfolio in the last 100 years is 12%. For individual businesses, because it’s a riskier investment, it’s 15-30%. Now this return is based on the investment in the company, if your an owner/worker then you should also be paid a wage for the job you do (a fair wage not an exorbitant wage). Business owners have for years been taking larger salaries than the job they do and taking profits at a higher ROI for the investment they made in the business. Workers need to make them see that the excess money they are taking from the business is what is causing their business to malfunction, their excess wage and profits are really stealing from their workers.

The average ROI for investment in a diversified stock portfolio in the last 100 years is 12%. For individual businesses, because it’s a riskier investment, it’s 15-30%. Now this return is based on the investment in the company, if your an owner/worker then you should also be paid a wage for the job you do (a fair wage not an exorbitant wage).

Business owners have for years been taking larger salaries than the job they do and taking profits at a higher ROI for the investment they made in the business. Workers need to make them see that the excess money they are taking from the business is what is causing their business to malfunction, their excess wage and profits are really stealing from their workers.

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