
But for real… what are we gonna do?

As someone who’s genuinely horrified we’ve begun our descent into legit handmaidens tale territory, I’m realizing we have to do something. Voting is not enough. Peaceful protests are not enough. So what can we do? How can we get organized? It occurs to me that Reddit may not be the best platform because talking about the array of terrifying solutions we need to consider violates their community guidelines. How can I, someone who lives in rural Michigan (the heart of trump country), affect change? What can I do? What should I be encouraging my friends to do? I feel like we as a party need to come together and figure out a plan of action. I hate affiliating with the democrats but one of the GOPs strong suits is how united they are. Now is not the time for division. How can I help organize likeminded people? Or who should…

As someone who’s genuinely horrified we’ve begun our descent into legit handmaidens tale territory, I’m realizing we have to do something. Voting is not enough. Peaceful protests are not enough.

So what can we do? How can we get organized? It occurs to me that Reddit may not be the best platform because talking about the array of terrifying solutions we need to consider violates their community guidelines.

How can I, someone who lives in rural Michigan (the heart of trump country), affect change? What can I do? What should I be encouraging my friends to do?

I feel like we as a party need to come together and figure out a plan of action. I hate affiliating with the democrats but one of the GOPs strong suits is how united they are. Now is not the time for division. How can I help organize likeminded people? Or who should I be following online to make sure I’m clued in?

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