
But I’m career driven! Or worse- I am an alpha/execitive.

Most of the idiots you hear say this have never had a life that was interesting and probably don't want one. They are fine with the superficiality of it all while they wax faux importance. They will kick and claw over you for 80k a year, sexism-based promotion, and some RSUs. They are either fat and expect to keep making enough to afford their buffet laden trips to the Caribbean or they are thin and fit to make sure that they are sexually gratifying enough to make sales, blow their boss, or manage the merger via group sex. As if the rest of us dont do anything with our time? Ask for more pay. Or, better yet, quit and go do what you want and don't worry about money. You might die unexpectedly tomorrow anyway. Do you reaaly want your life to be 401k chasing only and no good memories?

Most of the idiots you hear say this have never had a life that was interesting and probably don't want one. They are fine with the superficiality of it all while they wax faux importance. They will kick and claw over you for 80k a year, sexism-based promotion, and some RSUs. They are either fat and expect to keep making enough to afford their buffet laden trips to the Caribbean or they are thin and fit to make sure that they are sexually gratifying enough to make sales, blow their boss, or manage the merger via group sex. As if the rest of us dont do anything with our time? Ask for more pay. Or, better yet, quit and go do what you want and don't worry about money. You might die unexpectedly tomorrow anyway. Do you reaaly want your life to be 401k chasing only and no good memories?

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