
Call Centers Are ONE of The Most Modern Day Sweatshops And A Superficial Environment…

Hello, this is sort of like a vent. I know people who do this as a living (I have had my fair share of them; tech agent, retention, sales for medical equipment, customer support and healthcare agent) but this is one of the most modern day sweatshops type jobs. The environment is also superficial because they groom you into basically being a robot. These call centers will hire in groups majority of them do for whatever contract they’ve picked up. Some of the interviews are all over the place because you’ll have to interview for 2-4 people at times, the trainings are sometimes 2-3 months of grueling trainings. Then you have the ones who hire right away because to fill a quota then they’ll throw you to the wolves on the production floor. Mind you once you get on these calls most of the time what’s discussed in training sometimes…

Hello, this is sort of like a vent.

I know people who do this as a living (I have had my fair share of them; tech agent, retention, sales for medical equipment, customer support and healthcare agent) but this is one of the most modern day sweatshops type jobs. The environment is also superficial because they groom you into basically being a robot. These call centers will hire in groups majority of them do for whatever contract they’ve picked up. Some of the interviews are all over the place because you’ll have to interview for 2-4 people at times, the trainings are sometimes 2-3 months of grueling trainings. Then you have the ones who hire right away because to fill a quota then they’ll throw you to the wolves on the production floor.

Mind you once you get on these calls most of the time what’s discussed in training sometimes isn’t the calls you’re getting if you’re an inbound agent, you don’t know what to expect. You do faux roleplaying in training but their phone calls for whatever services they offer don’t have shit to do with that scenario they make you act out. (Outbound agents it’s also stressful as well, you may have more control over the call but people can hang up in your face/curse you out. I remember being a “Patient Access” call center work from home agent, and the man over the phone cursed me out really bad because I was trying to schedule his appointments for him. He said: “Fck you btch, do not call my got damn phone motherf*cker”. So outbound is no way fun either.)

Another thing, when you get hired in these call centers or work from home call centers, I believe they plan to where they have these old heads such as, team leads, supervisors, trainers brag about how they’ve been there for over 5 years. They’ll brag about how they’ve been with the call center company for ages but I see them as slaves or people who didn’t go pursue better opportunities or they’re desperately invested because they feel they cannot move on. These types give me more inspiration to leave and wanted to achieve way more, my goal isn’t to work a job like this until I’m retired. I’m sorry but everyone is different, to each their own. Then new hires see or hear these lectures when they have these superficial orientations to groom you into falling in line just like them. The minority of good CC jobs are little to none. The constant CC who change your schedules over biddings or the pay may be great but the mental breakdown or depression is NOT worth it.

I want to admit truthfully a call center isn’t a job I ever took serious or planned to stay. The QA scores, the metrics, and clueless individuals around you. Pizza or Catering dinners or superficiality has never kept me in these jobs. The constant micromanaging, toxic environment and superficiality employees there to. It’s all a joke to me like a reality show. Working from “HOME” doing call center work specifically isn’t any better, I’m sick of people making that out to be the golden thing. Now you’ve brought that negative energy into your home and you feel even more stuck working from home doing this bullsht shenanigans. Sometimes those WFH CC jobs equipment are horrible or they have tech issues also the training can be bullsht or their assholes/snarky people or clueless.

Just pure a bullshit job industry I never took extremely to heart.

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