
Called out today because family member caught covid

Cdc states you can still go out so long as you religiously mask (which I did). Felt cruddy today so I called out. Been testing negative but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Work has been changing some policies and procedures that affect customers and they've been crabby lately quite crabby and more difficult to work with than normal. I do not earn enough to deal with both. Work doesn't quite get that I am only doing the job for health insurance (25 hrs a week minimum) and get out of the house social job. The rest is just a bonus.

Cdc states you can still go out so long as you religiously mask (which I did). Felt cruddy today so I called out. Been testing negative but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Work has been changing some policies and procedures that affect customers and they've been crabby lately quite crabby and more difficult to work with than normal. I do not earn enough to deal with both. Work doesn't quite get that I am only doing the job for health insurance (25 hrs a week minimum) and get out of the house social job. The rest is just a bonus.

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