
Called to work the day of mom’s funeral

Obligatory—this happened several years ago but has been painful to discuss until recently. I (27f) used to be an assistant manager for a tanning salon in my hometown where—typically—only one associate was scheduled to work at any given time. I did not oversee scheduling, the district manager did. While still living with my parents, I woke up one morning in June to absolute pandemonium. My mom laid unconscious in the kitchen until paramedics arrived and revived her; she was in the hospital three days until doctors determined her life unsustainable. I don’t recall my work schedule the week this happened; however, I do vividly remember calling our district manager to explain the situation in great detail and ask to be relieved of my shifts for the next few days. My family and I slept on uncomfortable hospital chairs by my mom’s hospital bed as we waited on the inevitable. During…

Obligatory—this happened several years ago but has been painful to discuss until recently.

I (27f) used to be an assistant manager for a tanning salon in my hometown where—typically—only one associate was scheduled to work at any given time. I did not oversee scheduling, the district manager did.

While still living with my parents, I woke up one morning in June to absolute pandemonium. My mom laid unconscious in the kitchen until paramedics arrived and revived her; she was in the hospital three days until doctors determined her life unsustainable.

I don’t recall my work schedule the week this happened; however, I do vividly remember calling our district manager to explain the situation in great detail and ask to be relieved of my shifts for the next few days. My family and I slept on uncomfortable hospital chairs by my mom’s hospital bed as we waited on the inevitable. During those few days, my district manager called me several times to come in and work. At one point, he threatened to fire me.

After they pulled the plug on my mom’s life support, I asked for extended time off until the funeral. The DM reluctantly agreed but not without a guilt trip.

Hours before my mom’s funeral, he desperately called me to plead for my help that afternoon. I regret not telling him to F-off; however, I calmly explained that I would be with my family and unavailable for the rest of the day.

TL;DR My mom died unexpectedly and the district manager of the tanning salon I worked at refused to give me a week to grieve, going as far as calling me the day of her funeral to ask for me to come in.

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