
Calling in sick for a mental health day – guilt

I’m planning on calling in tomorrow (and possibly the following day) because I’m so burnt out and on the verge of rage quitting everyday. I’m the only tech in my office, so if I called in, it would be a disaster for my boss and the rest of the office. They’d have to reschedule a bunch of patients and assign my trainee to another office location. Taking PTO in advance is already a struggle because the other sister offices are understaffed. I feel guilty just thinking about it but I need relief so badly. Have you been in this situation and just said f**k it?

I’m planning on calling in tomorrow (and possibly the following day) because I’m so burnt out and on the verge of rage quitting everyday. I’m the only tech in my office, so if I called in, it would be a disaster for my boss and the rest of the office. They’d have to reschedule a bunch of patients and assign my trainee to another office location. Taking PTO in advance is already a struggle because the other sister offices are understaffed. I feel guilty just thinking about it but I need relief so badly. Have you been in this situation and just said f**k it?

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