
calling in sick while sick?

Hi, I work in an office. Over the weekend I tested positive for covid and the rules are you need to isolate for 7 days where I am. I told work and am working from home, and I have been less productive but still have been working hard and to like 70% of normal productivity . However this is really tiring me out, I think I need to call in and not work tomorrow but I would appreciate any help anyone has with phrasing this in a way which won't make them super angry. I'm in my probation period.

Hi, I work in an office. Over the weekend I tested positive for covid and the rules are you need to isolate for 7 days where I am.
I told work and am working from home, and I have been less productive but still have been working hard and to like 70% of normal productivity .
However this is really tiring me out, I think I need to call in and not work tomorrow but I would appreciate any help anyone has with phrasing this in a way which won't make them super angry. I'm in my probation period.

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