
Calling off work feels like a crime

So I didn’t. I woke up this morning & I’m very obviously sick. I got a write up last week for missing 1.5 days whenever our kids were sick a month ago. At the end of the conversation my boss told me “if you can give me 24 hours notice or so, I can try to get it excused for you so you don’t get any more attendance points” How am I supposed to know if myself or my kids are going to become ill? So I went ahead and went into work. I wore a mask today, just to err on the side of caution. (They don’t enforce masking & most of the time you’re not within 6 ft. of anyone else, except in my current position.) Every single person asked if I’m okay, if I’m sick, if I should be there. After two hours of work, & letting…

So I didn’t. I woke up this morning & I’m very obviously sick. I got a write up last week for missing 1.5 days whenever our kids were sick a month ago. At the end of the conversation my boss told me “if you can give me 24 hours notice or so, I can try to get it excused for you so you don’t get any more attendance points” How am I supposed to know if myself or my kids are going to become ill?

So I went ahead and went into work. I wore a mask today, just to err on the side of caution. (They don’t enforce masking & most of the time you’re not within 6 ft. of anyone else, except in my current position.) Every single person asked if I’m okay, if I’m sick, if I should be there. After two hours of work, & letting my coworkers know the situation, my lead approaches me and asks how I’m feeling. I said “I am definitely sick.” He said “well, you’re allowed to go home sick, but it will be another point on your attendance. If you think you need to get tested for COVID, they can’t point you for leaving work to get a test, but you can’t come back to work until you have test results.” Meanwhile, we are getting swamped with work; my direct coworker is frustrated, and I’m clearly not working quickly enough to keep up. I really can’t afford to be off for the next x number of days and I also can’t get any more attendance points.

So I’m currently trying to get in touch with my doctors office for a COVID test. Hoping I made the right call, but definitely feeling guilty as hell that I got sick somehow & other people are picking up “my“ slack.

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