
Came Back to Work from Covid to All my Stuff in a Box

I came back to work (I work for a glass/paraphernalia shop associated with a legal cannabis company) Saturday after being off for a week due to covid, and all of my personal belongings were in a box in a cupboard. Not just my personal belongings, but art and sellable inventory that I had made for the store. No one can or will tell me if I've been/am being fired since all of the corporate/office staff is out for the holiday. When I initially had the “oh god I'm being fired” panic attack and called my boss, it went to voicemail and then I got an email from a different manager 30 mins later about the need for a one on one to discuss 'some lack of job performance'. Said manager has a habit of just obsessively cleaning everything into oblivion (it's very clearly an anxiety thing, I clean the store…

I came back to work (I work for a glass/paraphernalia shop associated with a legal cannabis company) Saturday after being off for a week due to covid, and all of my personal belongings were in a box in a cupboard. Not just my personal belongings, but art and sellable inventory that I had made for the store. No one can or will tell me if I've been/am being fired since all of the corporate/office staff is out for the holiday. When I initially had the “oh god I'm being fired” panic attack and called my boss, it went to voicemail and then I got an email from a different manager 30 mins later about the need for a one on one to discuss 'some lack of job performance'. Said manager has a habit of just obsessively cleaning everything into oblivion (it's very clearly an anxiety thing, I clean the store everyday but she will tear through and reorganize *everything* if a single tag is fallen over) so there's a possibility that she just considers my existence and any trace of personality to be “clutter” to be cleaned away. But also…. no one will talk to me except a guy who also just got back to work and I've never seen all of someone's stuff boxed up to have it not be preparation to be let go so obviously I've been sending out my resume like a madwoman.

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