
Can a job fire you for calling off?

I got fired for calling off and now I’m broke and confused as shit. Ok, a little over two months ago I started a job I had waited 6 months to start. It was a decent paying job but, it was my dream job outside of owning my own kitchen. So I waited those six months. I did very well at my job. At least that’s what I was told by the head chef and other co workers. To get to work and from work, I have to walk 2 miles to a train. It’s never been an issue it had been warm and if I didn’t want to walk I’d buy an Uber. But an Uber is almost 2 hours of work to cover it so it’s really not worth it. I was saving for a car was supposed to put a down payment down in December. Last Tuesday…

I got fired for calling off and now I’m broke and confused as shit.

Ok, a little over two months ago I started a job I had waited 6 months to start. It was a decent paying job but, it was my dream job outside of owning my own kitchen. So I waited those six months.
I did very well at my job. At least that’s what I was told by the head chef and other co workers.
To get to work and from work, I have to walk 2 miles to a train. It’s never been an issue it had been warm and if I didn’t want to walk I’d buy an Uber. But an Uber is almost 2 hours of work to cover it so it’s really not worth it. I was saving for a car was supposed to put a down payment down in December.

Last Tuesday it was snowing pretty bad ubers, we’re insanely high 3x the average price. I would almost lose money if I were to work. Since I’d been there I hadn’t called out. I also knew if I were to call out I would not be hurting anyone as Tuesdays are slow and I had hardly any work. So I called in.

I get a text from chef that night telling me he had a meeting with our HR dude. (We only have one) He then told me not to come in tomorrow. Wednesday night rolls around and he texts me saying he had a two hour meeting with our HR guy and “it doesn’t look good.” And that I should take the rest of the week off. Like??? What?? I called off one day..
I was lowkey freaking out I tried to get in contact with “HR” myself but I did not have any of the contact information. So I texted chef and asked for HR’s number or email he said “right on” and never sent it.
Friday rolls around Chef calls me he goes, “it’s been ended.” I ask why
He said “Jason (some dude in corporate never heard of him) said I am being too soft letting people call off so we have to end things.

That was it. I didn’t get to talk to HR, or anything didn’t even get the contact information. I got no warning(s) nothing. Now it’s been almost a week I’m searching for another job as I was finally catching up when I was working.

I don’t know what to do. Was I fired legally? Can I report it to someone? Just move on? I’m just pissed more than anything I wouldn’t have called off that day if I knew I’d lose my job. Just fucking walk 2mi in the snow or pay over $100 to get to work next time I guess.

— sorry for punctuation and stuff mobile sucks it keeps freezing lol.

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