
Can a job fire you for taking a vacation?

Hey, first post here. Just a heads up, I’m not gonna say my field of work but lets say it deals with a lot of digging and electronics. So anyway if i tell my boss months and months ago. That i was gonna take two weeks of UNPAID time off to go to a foreign country. (just for some space and time away) is it fair for him to threaten to lay me off? I mean sure two weeks is a long time… but everyone should be able to enjoy some time off right???

Hey, first post here. Just a heads up, I’m not gonna say my field of work but lets say it deals with a lot of digging and electronics. So anyway if i tell my boss months and months ago. That i was gonna take two weeks of UNPAID time off to go to a foreign country. (just for some space and time away) is it fair for him to threaten to lay me off?
I mean sure two weeks is a long time… but everyone should be able to enjoy some time off right???

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