
Can an Employer (FEDEX) force EMPLOYEES to PARK 10-15 mins away from Work and than walk to work? Must they pay for the time?

FedEx is requiring employees to park 10-15 minutes away from the work site. This requires me to wake up earlier and leave my home earlier and park away from work earlier. So in total (20-30minutes extra per day without pay), 10-15 minutes to get to work + 10-15 minutes to get back to my car to go home afterwork. So, should my work hours begin when I park my car 10-15 minutes away? Or Not?

FedEx is requiring employees to park 10-15 minutes away from the work site.
This requires me to wake up earlier and leave my home earlier and park away from work earlier.
So in total (20-30minutes extra per day without pay), 10-15 minutes to get to work + 10-15 minutes to get back to my car to go home afterwork.

So, should my work hours begin when I park my car 10-15 minutes away? Or Not?

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