
Can anybody help me find a newyorker article? Definitely radicalized me to be more anti work. Description below

There was an article someone posted in a comment here from the newyorker. It was called something like “the rise of americas noble class” but I don’t think noble is the right word. It was about the power that huge industries that dominate American politics through lobbying and essentially run America. They mentioned the owners of car dealerships and commercial farms specifically. I’d love to share this article with people but I’m having a hard time finding it. Anybody familiar or able to point me in the right direction?

There was an article someone posted in a comment here from the newyorker. It was called something like “the rise of americas noble class” but I don’t think noble is the right word.

It was about the power that huge industries that dominate American politics through lobbying and essentially run America. They mentioned the owners of car dealerships and commercial farms specifically.

I’d love to share this article with people but I’m having a hard time finding it. Anybody familiar or able to point me in the right direction?

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