
Can anyone make me a list of “work less” studies?

We had an incredibly insulting “safety meeting” at work(Flowers Bakeries, because corporations aren't people and don't deserve anonymity) where they basically said that too many people were out with injuries this year and they want to address it. Let me rephrase that: the assholes who have been using covid as a shield to force us to work up to 60 hours per week for over 2 straight years now just blamed us for all of the injuries they've been causing us from overworking. You might be able to tell that I'm pissed right now because I've actively injured my rotator cuff twice now and had to have hernia surgery from being overworked here. We talk all the time on this subreddit about how studies show that working less hours and less days a week and having more vacations makes you more productive at work and not less, and how there…

We had an incredibly insulting “safety meeting” at work(Flowers Bakeries, because corporations aren't people and don't deserve anonymity) where they basically said that too many people were out with injuries this year and they want to address it. Let me rephrase that: the assholes who have been using covid as a shield to force us to work up to 60 hours per week for over 2 straight years now just blamed us for all of the injuries they've been causing us from overworking. You might be able to tell that I'm pissed right now because I've actively injured my rotator cuff twice now and had to have hernia surgery from being overworked here.

We talk all the time on this subreddit about how studies show that working less hours and less days a week and having more vacations makes you more productive at work and not less, and how there are also studies showing that working overtime is even worse for your health than you'd think. Can I have a list of those studies(side note: we should have a list of those studies on the sidebar) so that I can shove them at HR alongside my complaint about being so condescended to? Yeah, I know they won't read it, it's about the only way I can retaliate without getting fired and have I mentioned I'm really pissed about this?

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