
Can anyone offer any advice?

I've been working somewhere since about March, originally only about 12 hours per week, but after a few weeks my hours were cut to 6 per week, and now I'm not scheduled at all. I haven't been on the schedule in roughly three weeks and every time I ask my manager if I'm going to be scheduled hours, they just say there aren't enough for everyone, even though the only two other employees they have work full time hours. Finally, they told me it's because of my call offs, but that doesn't really make sense. I've only called off three times, one was medically excused and one was on a day I had told my manager I couldn't work days in advance (and was scheduled for anyway) and I've never been formally warned, written up, or disciplined. I've been applying left and right for other jobs but I have no…

I've been working somewhere since about March, originally only about 12 hours per week, but after a few weeks my hours were cut to 6 per week, and now I'm not scheduled at all. I haven't been on the schedule in roughly three weeks and every time I ask my manager if I'm going to be scheduled hours, they just say there aren't enough for everyone, even though the only two other employees they have work full time hours. Finally, they told me it's because of my call offs, but that doesn't really make sense. I've only called off three times, one was medically excused and one was on a day I had told my manager I couldn't work days in advance (and was scheduled for anyway) and I've never been formally warned, written up, or disciplined. I've been applying left and right for other jobs but I have no skills and not much experience so I haven't gotten so much as an interview. Is there anything I can do, or am I just screwed?

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