
can anyone shed light on filing for UI after quitting? Owner and HR have stated they will not fight a claim due to the circumstances.

Employer approved unemployment if i quit. Question regarding filing reason. [california] Employer stated if i quit due to harassment and hostile work environment by direct supervisor (an owner that no one can control with unlimited money and brags of how many lawsuits hes won), they will allow the claim. What is the best reason to file under? California-I was hired on 5 months ago for position A. Upon quitting my job and starting, i was inormed theyd adjusted my duties slightly, and my reporting manager had changed. Ok, sure. Turns out, im doing a completely different task, under an abusive manager-owner. (Of whom i was not to have originally had anything to do with) I am screamed at, degraded, insulted daily, and am doing the tasks of a 4 person dept. They are not able to move me elsewhere, nor is there an option to report to anyone else. I…

Employer approved unemployment if i quit. Question regarding filing reason.

[california] Employer stated if i quit due to harassment and hostile work environment by direct supervisor (an owner that no one can control with unlimited money and brags of how many lawsuits hes won), they will allow the claim. What is the best reason to file under?

California-I was hired on 5 months ago for position A. Upon quitting my job and starting, i was inormed theyd adjusted my duties slightly, and my reporting manager had changed. Ok, sure. Turns out, im doing a completely different task, under an abusive manager-owner. (Of whom i was not to have originally had anything to do with) I am screamed at, degraded, insulted daily, and am doing the tasks of a 4 person dept. They are not able to move me elsewhere, nor is there an option to report to anyone else.
I have spoken with the other owner (his wife-controlling interest, but no actual control), the COO, and the person who handles benefits and was told if i choose to quit, (they refuse to fire me) that they will not deny the claim. The person-owner that i work under is notorious for this behavior, and the position has turned over 5 times in the year prior to me starting, primarily due to the same factors. Unfortunately being a small private company, options are limited to circumvent him.

I will likely be departing any day, as the strain and abuse is too much to handle. Knowing that they will accept a claim, what reason should i put in order to have straightforward approval with EDD? Is it better to state layoff, and be vague knowing they wont fight it?

This is tricky, and ive been looking for work as id rather not go without employment lined up, but i am salaried and pulling regular 12 hr days with not much ability to interview.

Thanks for the insight.

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