
Can companies disclose when an employee is put on an action plan?

I have a friend who just accepted a job with a new company and is waiting on the background check and whatnot before putting in her notice at her current company. The issue is that she received a below average performance review recently (BS system that forces people to fit a bell curve and mgmt basically made her boss lower her score down a point), and she just found out today that she’s being put on an “action plan” for her score. She heard that companies can disclose this information during the background check. Does anyone know if that’s actually true?

I have a friend who just accepted a job with a new company and is waiting on the background check and whatnot before putting in her notice at her current company. The issue is that she received a below average performance review recently (BS system that forces people to fit a bell curve and mgmt basically made her boss lower her score down a point), and she just found out today that she’s being put on an “action plan” for her score. She heard that companies can disclose this information during the background check. Does anyone know if that’s actually true?

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