
Can I agrue this with my employer

I posted this thread and wanted to get more insight on whether or not this is legal or if I can argue this with my employer. In short, I recently transitioned to part-time at my WFH job. After being asked to be avaliable 9AM-2PM everyday, I was only paid for the time I tracked working on tasks. This means time spent on emails, planning, and other busy work has not been paid for by my employer even though I have been logged on and near my devices the whole time. I reached out to my employer and received a response today stating that this pay was correct due to our contract agreement. I have been part time at this company before and have the same contract from that time. The contracts are exacly the same but the way I am being paid is different. Additional Details- I live in Georigia,…

I posted this thread and wanted to get more insight on whether or not this is legal or if I can argue this with my employer. In short, I recently transitioned to part-time at my WFH job. After being asked to be avaliable 9AM-2PM everyday, I was only paid for the time I tracked working on tasks. This means time spent on emails, planning, and other busy work has not been paid for by my employer even though I have been logged on and near my devices the whole time.

I reached out to my employer and received a response today stating that this pay was correct due to our contract agreement. I have been part time at this company before and have the same contract from that time. The contracts are exacly the same but the way I am being paid is different.

Additional Details- I live in Georigia, I am an hourly non-exempt employee, and it's a small business with less than 10 employees. No HR.

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