
Can I be fired for being signed off? (UK)

Just wondering really. I am still in my 3 month probationary period and was signed off work by a doctor for 3 weeks due to mental health caused by work. I have received a letter saying I am suspended due to having 20 days off during probation even though my doctor had given me sick notes which had gone to HR. I am to have a hearing in January but it seems like I will just be fired as I have never really felt wanted there as it is. Just wondering if they’re even allowed to do this even when I had a doctor’s note? Any advice would be appreciated.

Just wondering really. I am still in my 3 month probationary period and was signed off work by a doctor for 3 weeks due to mental health caused by work. I have received a letter saying I am suspended due to having 20 days off during probation even though my doctor had given me sick notes which had gone to HR. I am to have a hearing in January but it seems like I will just be fired as I have never really felt wanted there as it is. Just wondering if they’re even allowed to do this even when I had a doctor’s note? Any advice would be appreciated.

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