
Can I be fired for having COVID?

So I have Covid, tested positive 3/9 and was sent a new company Covid policy. You get 5 days and it says if you don’t feel better after 5 calendar days to contact HR to work something out. Tomorrow I am supposed to go back but I feel horrible still. I work at a WFH call center taking calls for 7.5 hours a day. They have to count all my absences starting tomorrow. If I don’t return by Thursday I’ll be terminated. I can barely talk without coughing and I’m not sure what else to do.

So I have Covid, tested positive 3/9 and was sent a new company Covid policy. You get 5 days and it says if you don’t feel better after 5 calendar days to contact HR to work something out. Tomorrow I am supposed to go back but I feel horrible still. I work at a WFH call center taking calls for 7.5 hours a day. They have to count all my absences starting tomorrow. If I don’t return by Thursday I’ll be terminated. I can barely talk without coughing and I’m not sure what else to do.

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