
Can I be forced to use my vacation time?

Hi all. I received surgery 3 months ago on my eyes and have been recovering since. The moment i was able to i returned to work, and haven’t had any issues since minus an occasional migraine or light sensitivity. I had a very bad stress migraine and it affected my eye, and had gone to the ER during the night for it. I went to work the next day because I’m fucking broke and need money. My boss came by and saw me using my eyepatch and demanded i go home, she literally made it an order. I was against it and was very much able to work and doing fine, i was tired but i work in an office and a watermelon could handle the work tbh. No discussion of “time” was had, just that I should be home recovering and get some rest if I was at the…

Hi all. I received surgery 3 months ago on my eyes and have been recovering since. The moment i was able to i returned to work, and haven’t had any issues since minus an occasional migraine or light sensitivity.

I had a very bad stress migraine and it affected my eye, and had gone to the ER during the night for it. I went to work the next day because I’m fucking broke and need money.

My boss came by and saw me using my eyepatch and demanded i go home, she literally made it an order. I was against it and was very much able to work and doing fine, i was tired but i work in an office and a watermelon could handle the work tbh.
No discussion of “time” was had, just that I should be home recovering and get some rest if I was at the ER. Sweet lady. So i went home and did that.

But I asked my supervisor about if I’ll be paid through the day as I was sent home and very against doing so, and she said I’d probably have to use my time.

My question is this mandatory and is there anything i can do or do to prevent this? I have 3 vacation days left for the year and literally cannot afford to use anymore time. No doctor recommended i go home, i didn’t want to go home and she made me. I felt capable of working without issue. And in my workplace, if you’re sent home whether it’s for a other disaster or the office is closed they’ll typically pay you for the day. My office had me and three other people come in for grunt work when the rest of the office is out due to a cyber attack, and they’re being paid.

They made me blow through all of my time during my surgery before letting me use FLMA. I need to preserve those days. Under the circumstances what can I do?

I live in NJ, USA and i work for social services.

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