
Can I challenge you all on something? Why is it assumed that living alone is a human right?

I agree with this movement 100% as well as with the most radical minimum wage activists except for one thing — all figures are based on living alone in a studio, 1BR or even 2BR, like this: Article Title: “Full-time minimum wage workers can’t afford rent anywhere in the US, according to a new report,” First line of article: “People working minimum wage jobs full-time cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment in any state in the country, the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s annual “Out of Reach” report finds.” I was inspired to post because of the current top post on the subreddit. This has more to do with the minimum-wage-reform side of this movement and less of the abolish-work side, and I am aware of that just to be clear. I personally agree that with the advances in technology and automation we would be able to abolish compulsory work and…

I agree with this movement 100% as well as with the most radical minimum wage activists except for one thing — all figures are based on living alone in a studio, 1BR or even 2BR, like this:

Article Title: “Full-time minimum wage workers can’t afford rent anywhere in the US, according to a new report,”

First line of article: “People working minimum wage jobs full-time cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment in any state in the country, the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s annual “Out of Reach” report finds.”

I was inspired to post because of the current top post on the subreddit.

This has more to do with the minimum-wage-reform side of this movement and less of the abolish-work side, and I am aware of that just to be clear. I personally agree that with the advances in technology and automation we would be able to abolish compulsory work and provide everyone with their own shelter, but let's not get into it. I'm talking about working within our current system.

I personally think that basing figures on living alone is extremely transparent and weakens the argument in an honestly laughable way. Those figures would be less shocking if they were based on living with a roommate or two and there would be fewer articles like the above, but I believe that we are not going to make any progress with anyone until we stop citing these figures.

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