
can i collect pay from my health leave?

I attempted suicide and was given a month off of work all of the month of May, during this I called benefits and asked to use my mental health benefits to get money while off work. During my 6 month exam I was given the option to take money out of my paycheck per week to give to me if I ever am on a leave, that's what I was requesting. They asked me a bunch of questions and said they'd send paperwork through the mail… I didn't get the paperwork until 2 weeks later, I wasn't able to get contact with someone at hospital that admitted me that could write a letter proving my admittance until a week after that, then I called benefits and was told they'd get back to me about where to send the papers. They never got back to me, I went back to work…

I attempted suicide and was given a month off of work all of the month of May, during this I called benefits and asked to use my mental health benefits to get money while off work. During my 6 month exam I was given the option to take money out of my paycheck per week to give to me if I ever am on a leave, that's what I was requesting. They asked me a bunch of questions and said they'd send paperwork through the mail… I didn't get the paperwork until 2 weeks later, I wasn't able to get contact with someone at hospital that admitted me that could write a letter proving my admittance until a week after that, then I called benefits and was told they'd get back to me about where to send the papers. They never got back to me, I went back to work and I asked my manager about the money I never got, I never got paid that entire month I was on health leave. She said it was too late now that I was back and I left it alone… Recently have come across this subreddit and seen some… posts that make me wonder if there's anything I can do because I feel like I was fucked over, dunno if it was purposeful or mail issues or if it's my fault somehow or maybe it's been too long (I'm in the group that was taught to comply with what work tells you to do), but thought maybe I'd at least ask. I'll accept if it's been too long or if it can't be handled, but could I have anyones thoughts?

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