
Can I contact the NLRB if I’m not an employee of the company?

Here's the deal. Literally all of my friends work at the same small retail business. They complain constantly to me about it. So many horrible things going on. They have rules against discussing religion (except Christianity), politics (except conservative ideals), NSFW conversations (but keep a person in management who has had multiple sexual harassment complaints, but is a “customer favorite”). The one that frosts my cornflakes the most is the 0 tolerance policy for discussing wages amongst employees. The other BS above my friends shrug off. It's a shop that encourages customers to hang out, so I do. When all your friends are adulting constantly and you can chill with them while they make a living, why not? And we talk Leftist politics, religion of any type, and are constantly making off-color remarks and having adult themed conversations with one another. The one thing they are scared of is pay.…

Here's the deal. Literally all of my friends work at the same small retail business. They complain constantly to me about it. So many horrible things going on.

They have rules against discussing religion (except Christianity), politics (except conservative ideals), NSFW conversations (but keep a person in management who has had multiple sexual harassment complaints, but is a “customer favorite”).

The one that frosts my cornflakes the most is the 0 tolerance policy for discussing wages amongst employees.

The other BS above my friends shrug off. It's a shop that encourages customers to hang out, so I do. When all your friends are adulting constantly and you can chill with them while they make a living, why not? And we talk Leftist politics, religion of any type, and are constantly making off-color remarks and having adult themed conversations with one another.

The one thing they are scared of is pay. They will not discuss it if any other employee is around. They have all come to me on separate occasions and complained about the no wage discussions rule, that the company is forcing them to work under the Table some shifts to avoid paying OT, or forcing them to work FOR FREE – Come in on their own time on off days for unpaid, mandatory training; or just we need you, we can't pay you, but if you don't come in don't come back.

My friends all have rough backgrounds. They feel loyal to this company because it gave them second chances in a job that they can make enough to pay bills. The owners are using this loyalty to scare them into staying.

They are all too job scared to contact the NLRB. Is this something I can do, even though I am not nor have ever been an employee?

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