
Can I file for unemployment if my previous employer deschedules me one week after I give my two weeks notice?

So last week on Friday the 11th I put my two weeks notice in at my job, I'm a server, however while they initially agreed to it management ended up coming up to me at the end of my shift this past Friday stating they weren't going to schedule me this week at all as “they are closed Thursday and there isn't enough shifts for everyone.” Would I then be able to apply for unemployment? The way I see it we made an agreement for me to work 2 more weeks there while I search for new employment, they subsequently breached that agreement by only scheduling me for one week, as such I feel I'm entitled to unemployment since I was basing my financial decisions off of said agreement. Technically its a breach of contract, even though it was a verbal agreement. Any useful comments or suggestions would be welcome…

So last week on Friday the 11th I put my two weeks notice in at my job, I'm a server, however while they initially agreed to it management ended up coming up to me at the end of my shift this past Friday stating they weren't going to schedule me this week at all as “they are closed Thursday and there isn't enough shifts for everyone.” Would I then be able to apply for unemployment? The way I see it we made an agreement for me to work 2 more weeks there while I search for new employment, they subsequently breached that agreement by only scheduling me for one week, as such I feel I'm entitled to unemployment since I was basing my financial decisions off of said agreement. Technically its a breach of contract, even though it was a verbal agreement. Any useful comments or suggestions would be welcome too.

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