
Can i get fired for this? Its a bit wierd……. [UK]

So….. i work for a small IT based company in the UK, in a very small office of about 6-12 people in the building (single room). Noteably, our team of about 6 as a team leader who is notably younger than me by about ten years (im mid 30s, hes mid 20s). Im also somewhat the office “comedian”. We frequently have loud office-wide conversation with each other about pretty much anything, appropriate or otherwise. Now, the reason this is relevant is because one day recently, our TL was talking about how the company isnt like a big business and “feels more like a family”. We all of course laughed at him and i personally retorted “If we're a family, that would make you Dad”. I then proceeded to refer to him as “Dad” in name where possible, on internal communications (nothing external or to do with clients). Whenever i would…

So….. i work for a small IT based company in the UK, in a very small office of about 6-12 people in the building (single room). Noteably, our team of about 6 as a team leader who is notably younger than me by about ten years (im mid 30s, hes mid 20s). Im also somewhat the office “comedian”. We frequently have loud office-wide conversation with each other about pretty much anything, appropriate or otherwise.

Now, the reason this is relevant is because one day recently, our TL was talking about how the company isnt like a big business and “feels more like a family”. We all of course laughed at him and i personally retorted “If we're a family, that would make you Dad”. I then proceeded to refer to him as “Dad” in name where possible, on internal communications (nothing external or to do with clients). Whenever i would ask if i could do something like make someone a cuppa or other thing i would ask permission from Dad first if im a big enough boy to use the kettle etc. So this kind of caught on, and now my entire team started doing it (and he embraced it somewhat, calling meetings on teams with his 'Kids' etc.

So, in an escalation from the acceptance, i decided to decorate his desk with some cheap fathers day balloons that say “DAD” and got him a cheap bottle opener off amazon that says “Worlds Greatest Daddy” on it. It was done while out of the room, and before he came back both the other TL came into the room along with the very serious nationwide manager. They both asked what was going on, got told, but falesly assumed the joke was calling him “Daddy” and not “Dad”. We were all a bit afraid when the nationwide manager heard it, but all creased laughing when she embraced it and started calling him “Daddy” all day.

This has apparently now spread nationwide, to all other locations in the country, to the point where our TL has been mentioned on company-wide emails (which even include abroad locations, as our whole copmany is massive and international), they have congratulated “Daddy on raising his kids well” and various things. The international CEO has now noticed, and is inquiring into what is going on, so i've started wearing the brown pants to work, if you get my drift.

For clarification, the workplace is absolutely fantastic and dont do any of the shit you usually see on here, but im slightly concerned its getting a bit out of hand.

TL:DR – Started a company/internation trned at my workplace where by very young and young looking TL is now solely referred to as “Daddy” by pretty much everyone else in the company, and the (international) CEO has noticed and wants to know whats going on.

Yeah, i know im fuckin weird.

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