
can i get sued?

i used to work for a lender that is essentially a bully in the industry, towards its employees, clients and competitors. Company has toxic work environment and violates industry laws on the regular. Loans are predatory and over priced. Bankers are forced to work overtime without OT pay, compensation plan is confusing and doesn't make sense. The list of issues is long and the physiological distress the majority of the workers go through is real. I had enough and spoke up, recently had an interview with a reporter from pretty large company. I know some others have spoke up too but we're all scared to get sued. the company throws around “defamation of character” threats all the time. However everything we are saying about them is true. A part of the reason why they have been able to get away with this stuff for so long is because people are…

i used to work for a lender that is essentially a bully in the industry, towards its employees, clients and competitors. Company has toxic work environment and violates industry laws on the regular. Loans are predatory and over priced. Bankers are forced to work overtime without OT pay, compensation plan is confusing and doesn't make sense. The list of issues is long and the physiological distress the majority of the workers go through is real. I had enough and spoke up, recently had an interview with a reporter from pretty large company. I know some others have spoke up too but we're all scared to get sued. the company throws around “defamation of character” threats all the time. However everything we are saying about them is true. A part of the reason why they have been able to get away with this stuff for so long is because people are just scared to get sued but what they are doing is wrong and needs to be stopped.

any thoughts?

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