
Can I report HR?

I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit to go to, but I can’t find anything on google that helps me report HR. I was called into HR today for a dress code violation. I wore a crop top today. I was told it was too revealing(at most like an inch of stomach shows). People hardly get to look at what I wear I wear something like a hazmat suit all day. I was wondering if I could report this to someone higher. Any advice would be appreciated!

I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit to go to, but I can’t find anything on google that helps me report HR. I was called into HR today for a dress code violation. I wore a crop top today. I was told it was too revealing(at most like an inch of stomach shows). People hardly get to look at what I wear I wear something like a hazmat suit all day. I was wondering if I could report this to someone higher. Any advice would be appreciated!

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