
Can my employer dock me an hour if I’m only 5 minutes late?

I gave in my two weeks notice to a company I’ve worked at three years. I was treated like dog shit from day one. I was called everything from stupid to being physically pushed by superiors. So naturally, after finding a new job I simply did not give a fuck. I came in 5 or 6 minutes late everyday for the last week and a half. I do not plan on returning to this company. Today, my boss informed that I will be docked an hour for every 5 minutes I’ve been late. This is due to the fact that we can only charge our time by the hour supposedly. I do not clock in, my foreman keeps my time on his iPad. If they aren’t allowed to do this what should be my proceeding steps from here?

I gave in my two weeks notice to a company I’ve worked at three years. I was treated like dog shit from day one. I was called everything from stupid to being physically pushed by superiors. So naturally, after finding a new job I simply did not give a fuck. I came in 5 or 6 minutes late everyday for the last week and a half. I do not plan on returning to this company.

Today, my boss informed that I will be docked an hour for every 5 minutes I’ve been late. This is due to the fact that we can only charge our time by the hour supposedly. I do not clock in, my foreman keeps my time on his iPad. If they aren’t allowed to do this what should be my proceeding steps from here?

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