
Can my employer force me to wear long sleeves even though our AC is not currently working?

I recently started a new job where I'm working with the public. This new job is very strict on image as the CEO Is extremely conservative & extremely Christian (🤢). I'm already having to quit smoking weed to pass a drug test even though I live in a legal state (WA) and hardly anyone drug tests anymore. They also want me to wear long sleeves to cover my tattoos even though mine are not large by any means and are not offensive. They ALSO want me to remove my nose ring and replace it with a stud. The kicker is its about to be summer and the thermostat does not go below 70 degrees. It usually sits at around 74/75 in the afternoon and it is at times unbearable. Is my boss allowed to force me to wear this stupid fucking long sleeved shirt even though it's so hot?? it's…

I recently started a new job where I'm working with the public. This new job is very strict on image as the CEO Is extremely conservative & extremely Christian (🤢).
I'm already having to quit smoking weed to pass a drug test even though I live in a legal state (WA) and hardly anyone drug tests anymore.
They also want me to wear long sleeves to cover my tattoos even though mine are not large by any means and are not offensive. They ALSO want me to remove my nose ring and replace it with a stud.
The kicker is its about to be summer and the thermostat does not go below 70 degrees. It usually sits at around 74/75 in the afternoon and it is at times unbearable.
Is my boss allowed to force me to wear this stupid fucking long sleeved shirt even though it's so hot?? it's to the point where I just literally can't even focus because I'm so sweaty and feel like I'm overheating. today I took the under shirt off halfway thru my shift because I just literally couldn't do it and I'm waiting for someone to pull me aside.
The best part is, they did not list in the job description that they had such a strict dress code and they did not mention that they drug test until AFTER I was hired and working for a week.

Editing to say: I obviously have been searching for a new job guys lmao it took me months to find this one and I'm assuming it will take the same amount of time to find a new one unfortunately

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